Almyra Beach is located in Akrotiri village, on the southwest coast of Santorini. It is about 13 kilometers from Fira, close to Eros Beach and the ancient settlement of Akrotiri, which you can visit as well since it is a noteworthy archaeological site. The beach is not that easily reachable as you have to follow on foot a dirt road.

Almyra is a small, isolated beach ideal for a quiet swim. It is composed of small pebbles and calm, crystal-clear waters. Like the neighboring Vlychada Beach, there are marvelous sea-sculpted cliffs on the background that create an unreal landscape that many compare it with the surface of the moon. (The name Almyra means sea salt.) The beach is totally unspoiled and tranquil as mostly locals are aware of its existence. It is not among the famous beaches in Santorini but it can offer you relaxing private moments. Of course there are no facilities on or near the beach; the only thing you can find is a lovely, fish tavern that is built right next to the sea. It is recommended that you have a meal here as there are fresh fish and vegetables and the owners produce their own wine. It is a nice combination of serenity, beautiful atmosphere and traditional character.

Location & area

Location of Almyra beach

Area map & nearby

Almyra beach is located in Akrotiri village
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